Fellow summoners, I give you LoLOracle. LoLOracle is a version-agnostic loading screen overlay for League of Legends. It automatically displays summoner information over the login screen, enabling you to easily asses the skill level of every player in the game. Furthermore, LoLOracle has pre-made queue detection (see the blue line in the picture?). The base version (what you see here) will be free. The professional version will cost a monthly fee and contain a hover-responsive GUI which will display much more advanced data. I have no intention for this project to become anything more than aggregated team data - I want it to stay within the LoL ToS.

I'm only about 2 days deep into development, but a public BETA should be ready within a few days. The pro version is probably a few weeks away.

How does it work?

The GUI, written in Qt, asks for your summoner name and region. It then sits and waits for "League of Legends.exe" to open. Once it finds "League of Legends.exe", it will sleep for 5 seconds (splash screen) and then query the game data. If the query succeeds, it will throw the information into a shared memory segment and inject a D3D hook to display the information. In order to keep it version-agnostic, I detect loading screen by checking which models and being drawn by DrawIndexedPrimitive(). Once I see the loading screen primitives go away, I remove my D3D hook.