What is nonameproxy?
nonameproxy is a stand alone client and proxy for tibia that allows external plugins to interface with the client. nonameproxy itself does not include any bot functionality, and relies on plugins to do cool things.

Where can i get it?

How do i compile?
under unix, cd into the src directory and type make. then type make plugins
under windows, type make windows, and then make winplugins

What license is nonameproxy available under?
nonameproxy is GPLv2, or at your option any later version of the GPL. the major implication of this is that plugins are derived works, so if you write a plugin and decide to distribute it, you must also release the source code under the terms of the GPL.

Why nonameproxy
to make a long story short, nonameproxy is my testbed for playing with neat ideas relating to AI. it also serves another purpose, to provide a free, as in freedom not free beer, bot for the tibia client.

What can it do
as stated above, nonameproxy can load plugins. perhaps a better question is what plugins currently exist.
  • console - provide an in game console for controlling nonameproxy
  • channelmanager - add extra channels to tibia, for example the console adds a channel
  • autogrouper - groups like items in a container
  • info - get info about your characters stats
  • test - evaluate a condition
  • action - perform an action. currently can only speak in public channel
  • watch - executes a command if a condition is true

of course ive only been programming plugins for about 2 weeks now, but already you can use a watch test action combo to make a customizable spell caster, and of course it will group your containers.

How do I use it
First open up the console by clicking on the channels list, and then clicking on console.
To get a list of core functions, type core.
To load a plugin, type "core load 'path to plugin.dll'"
Once a plugin is loaded, type the plugins name to get usage instructions.
For example:

11:37 $: core
11:37 >: core: usage
11:37 >: load 'plugin path'
11:37 >: unload 'plugin name'
11:37 $: core load ./plugins/autogroup/autogroup.so
11:37 >: core: plugin ./plugins/autogroup/autogroup.so successfully loaded
11:37 $: autogroup
11:37 >: autogroup list
11:37 >: autogroup ids
11:37 >: autogroup add x y z
11:37 >: autogroup remove x y z
11:37 >: autogroup all
11:37 >: autogroup none
11:37 $: autogroup add 0
11:37 >: autogroup: added 0
container 0 will now be autogrouped

Whats currently in development?
I am currently working on the cave bot. Should be done in a week or so.

What are the planned features?
I don't plan software, i let it evolve. note there will be some limitations as nonameproxy does not have access to the clients memory, and things like context based menus are out of the question.

Who should use nonameproxy?
right now, only the curious and anyone who wants to jump on board as a developer. also, any testers who can crash the proxy and submit a bug report would be much appreciated.

Will there be a windows build?
Yes, however i will not vouch for its stability.