Here is the place where your input goes into TibiaAPI!
(since it is open source, your input can really go in anywhere, but this is where it is formalized)

New Ideas
Post at:
Our project site at google code has a wonderful issue tracker, and if you have any new ideas for TibiaAPI please create an issue at the above site with a type "Enhancement." Please do not post them in this thread or in a new thread in Ian's Programs

Bugs and Defects
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You can also use the issue tracker to notify us of, well, issues! If you are reporting a problem with the API, something you discovered while using it or looking at the source, please create a new issue with a type "Defect." If your bug is that an algorithm or method is inefficient, that would fall under the next category.

Post at:
Finally, if you know a great alternative algorithm, or found that something works, but doesn't work as well as it could, an improvement ticket is in order. Simply make a new issue at the above site with type "Enhancement." If you are inclined to edit the source of TibiaAPI yourself, for all means go ahead. You can also create a new issue of type "Patch" with some code and an indication of where it should go. Hey, maybe if we like your work we'll even add you as a regular developer! NOTE: For general ideas that typically need lots of discussion in order to be formulated, make a post here in Ian's Programs, with the prefix "TibiaAPI Suggestion: "