Im here to present you tBot - new bot for Tibia 7.4 (yes I know newest Tibia version is 9.44).

- spell / rune healer
- runemaker / spellcaster
- auto fishing
- picking up spears to left hand
- full light
- eat food, food ids need to be specified in food.txt, there are already only 4 food types
- display item ID
- anti idle
- monk / ghoul / friend trainer
- cavebot with simple actions
- simple targeting
- simple looting
- next bp opener (when bp is full).

Cavebot functions (so far):
goto x y z
Where x, y, z are destanation coordinates.

gotoline n
Where n is line number. Lines are counted from 0.

label one_word
Creates label. Label name can be only one word, same goes to any other params in my bot.

gotolabel one_word
When cavebot reach this command will jump to label named same as gotolabel's param. 

caplower n
Executes next command only if cap is lower n. Else next command isnt executed (jumps +2cmd).

caphigher n
Same as caplower but only executes if cap is higher than n.

usegrounditem x y id
Uses ground item. Only if item with this id exist on top of x,y.

opengrounditem x y id
Open ground item. Only if item with this id exist on top of x,y.

moveitems sbp dbp id
Moves all items with id from sbp, to dbp. sbp and dbp are window indexes.

delay n
Pauses cavebot for n miliseconds. Targeting and looting is affected also.

say words_must_be_separated_this_way
Says text. All words must be separated with _.

rope x y z
Uses rope. On x, y, z. In Tibia 7.4 you must not stand on rope place.
Some screenshots:

Things to implement in future:
- hotkeys
- aimbot
- heal friend
- more cavebot functions
- persisent scripts (like shortkeys in elfbot etc)
- slime trainer (haha I know there is already space for this in bot but aff I had no time)
- mana restore

Update 1.0.1 changelog:
- Added function "Open next bp" which will open next bp when any of open bps is full.
- Fixed bot always closing bp index 1.
- Added file food.txt where you can specify food's ids.
- Added file bp.txt where you can specify bp's ids (used for example in. open next bp).
- Added file down.txt where you can specify tiles which are always on bottom (for advanced users I guess, report here tiles where bot cant open dead bodies and/or gives false id from there). I could read this from tibia.dat but this way looks easier.
- Added timeout in MoveItems so cavebot wont pause if you dont have any slots or cap. Timeout is set to 5000 ms.
Download links:
1.0.0 http://www.speedyshare.com/file/TdFFC/tBot-0.0.1.zip [down]
1.0.1 http://adf.ly/GWV5B [up]
source http://adf.ly/GWVFP [up]
Im developing it only for educational purposes. Feed back would be nice
Please post any bugs and your suggestions.

[align=center]Do NOT download if you think its hack or steal attempt.[/align]