Starting to learn c# and for the life of me can't figure out how to get a cavebot to jump loops. I made a "Friendly" mode so it only attacks blacksquared mobs, but I wan't there to be an option to cancel that aswell.
Heres my code:
                        foreach (Creature c in new Battlelist().GetCreatures())
                          if (chkFriendly.Checked && c.HasAttackedMeRecently(2000))

                             if (c.Type == (byte)Constants.Type.CREATURE)
                                 if (c.Z == player.Z)
                                     int x = Math.Abs(player.X - c.X);
                                     int y = Math.Abs(player.Y - c.Y);
                                     int rng = Int32.Parse(txtRange.Text);

                                     if (x <= rng && y <= rng)

                                         if (target == null) target = c;
                                         if (c.Location.DistanceTo(target.Location) < player.Location.DistanceTo(target.Location))
                                             if (x == 1 && y == 1)
                                                 target = c;
                                                 target = c;

                        if (target != null)
                            //int x = Math.Abs(player.X - target.X);
                            //int y = Math.Abs(player.Y - target.Y);
                            fromX = target.X - player.X;
                            fromY = target.Y - player.Y;
                            fromX *= tileX;
                            fromY *= tileY;
                            int pX = (p2.X - p1.X) / 2 + p1.X; //865
                            int pY = (p2.Y - p1.Y) / 2 + p1.Y; // 425
                            fromX += pX;
                            fromY += pY;
                            foundTarget = true;
                        if (foundTarget)

                        //if not walk
                        if (chkwalker.Checked) Walker();
Now, my question is. I want to add an checkbox like chkAggressive and if thats checked, then to jump over the "if chkFriendly"