Okay, so I have been searching around and trying to figure out reading Map for about 3 days straight now. I am not using TibiaApi. And the client i'm trying to do it is Thronia.org(old tibianic client basically). I promise I am not leeching, it is just that I am stuck at this one thing for a while.
My map.cs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Bot.Objects
    class Map
        public IEnumerable<Tile> GetTiles()
            for (uint i = Addresses.Map.MapStart; i < Addresses.Map.MapStart + (172 * 2016); i += Addresses.Map.StepTile)

                yield return new Tile(i);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Bot.Objects
    class Tile
        private uint address;

        public Tile(uint address)
            this.address = address;
        public uint Id
            get { return (uint)Memory.ReadInt(address + Addresses.Map.DistanceObjectId); }
        public uint Object
            get { return (uint)Memory.ReadInt(address + Addresses.Map.StepTileObject); }

        public uint Data
            get { return (uint)Memory.ReadInt(address + Addresses.Map.DistanceObjectData); }
        public uint DataEx
            get { return (uint)Memory.ReadInt(address + Addresses.Map.DistanceObjectDataEx); }
        public uint Address
            get { return address; }
I am able to get some id's but they are not really right all the time.
Like for example trying to find my player:
 public void pask()

            foreach (Tile t in new Map().GetTiles())

                if (t.Id == 0)
                if (t.Id == 99)
since my player is objectId 99, t.data should equal my players Id, but its not.