I'm trying to print at my bot the target X position, however i'm not getting it. What is being printed is 0 always. My knowledge about programming is only one year of studying C++ at college, so don't judge me. I'm using this code:

 public int getTargetID()
            return ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, targetidAdr);
 public UInt32 getTargetAdr()
            int tId = getTargetID();
            UInt32 battleListIdAdr = 0x05C68B0;
            UInt32 targetAdr = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i <= 250; i++)
                if (ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, battleListIdAdr + i * 156) == tId)
                    targetAdr = Convert.ToUInt32(battleListIdAdr + i * 156);
            return targetAdr;
 public int getTargetXPos()
            UInt32 targetAdr = getTargetAdr();
            int xpos;
            xpos = ReadInt32(Tibia.Handle, targetAdr + 32);
            return xpos;
txpos = getTargetXPos();
label22.Text = Convert.ToString(txpos);
It's a bot for tibia 7.72, the creature step is 156. Can you guys help me?