1) How many accounts do you use, and were any of them banished? 2 accounts used, 1 banned.

2) Do you use a hexed MC client, a run-time MC patcher, or neither? I used ollydbg to make my own mc, NOP'd the mutex.

3) Do you use a modified .pic file, .spr file, both, or neither? Should be no on both.

4) Which bot programs do you use, if any? Elfbot

5) Do you send error reports when the client crashes, or have you ever sent one? Nope, pressed dont send every time.

6) Do you use a program to bypass the login servers? If elfbot does then yes else no.

7) (Programmers) Do you use a useless account to test your programs, and if so was it banished, was another account banished, etc.?

8) Does your bot program use memory reading/writing, packet.dll, proxy, hooking, or something else?

9) (Programmers) When testing your programs do you do anything that might be suspicious?

10) Please post any other helpful information here, such as: have you abused a game weakness? ie. teleporting. Some say HUD is at fault at elfbot, but I used full HUD on both accounts, and 1 account I even botted more since it is a moneymaker, and it didnt get banned.